The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire |
The annual Christison Bowling Trophy Competition 2013 was played at Riverside Bowling Club, Stirling and Polmaise Bowling Club, Fallin on Sunday 19th May 2013.
The number of competing Lodges continues to fall. Only four Lodges from the Stirling side of the Province took part this year with the following results:
Lodge Loch Lomond No 1483 (5 points and + 23 shots)
Lodge Ancient Stirling No 30 (4 points and – 7 shots)
Lodge Dolphin No 911 (3 points and + 5 shots)
The Lodge of Alloa No 69 (2 points and – 7 shots)
Brother Craig Lamont RWM Lodge Dolphin No 911 presented the trophy to Brother John McKenzie IPPGM, team captain of the winning Lodge. The Stirling and District Masonic Bowling Association very generously presented Brother Andrew A. McKinnon RWPGM with a cheque in the sum of £275.00 as a contribution to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire 275th Anniversary Fund.
Special thanks go to Brother Brian Wright (Secretary) and his Committee for their continuing organisation of the Competition. It is hoped that more Lodges will come forward to take part in 2014.