Waving Saltire Square and Compasses

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire

Square and Compasses Waving Saltire

newChromium Passport Applicationnew

Stirlingshire Visitations

Visitation Dates for 2024 - 2025 will be posted shortly.

Stirlingshire Installations

Please note the Annual Installation at Lodge Loch Lomond No 1483 has been postponed until October. Details will follow.

Installation Dates for 2024 - 2025 will be posted shortly.

CameraClick for some images from this years InstallationCamera

PGLS Communications

Communication dates for 2020 - 2025 will be posted shortly

Small Bus Click below for full schedules of proposed 2024 - 2025 Small Bus

Annual Installations of Daughter Lodges 2024 - 2025

Annual Visitations to Daughter Lodges 2024 - 2025

Regular and Annual Communications 2024 - 2025

Small Bus  The Travelling Gavel  Gavel

Facebook EmblemLinks to Masonic Facebook PagesFacebook Emblem

SaltireScottish Lodge FinderSaltire

Current News

update2024 PGLS Bowling updateupdate

 updateGolf Marathon Raise over £5,000update

newPGL Fishing 2024new

2024 PGL Golf

Grand Lodge visits 1474

Reigning Masters Degree 2024

Ancient 30 donate to Strathcarron

Presentations at 793

DSM at 1419

updatePassport updateupdate

Presentation at 911

Presentations at 139

60 Year Diploma at 780

Report on Annual Communication

Gavel moves to Back to Denny

Provincial Launch Chromium Passport

Presentations at 139

PGL Draw 2024

Honorary Membership at 16

Honorary Membership at 312

50 Year Diploma at 16

Special Installation at 531

2 Brethren from the Province receive Grand Honours

Run for Prostate Cancer

DSM's at 782

1303 Donation to Clackmannan Community Council

4 Jubilee Certificates presented at 1303

PGLS donate to PLUS


Archived Reports/News/Stories

Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire Crest



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