How to Join Freemasonry

Are you interested in becoming a Freemason?
If you would like to become a Freemason, then ask a
Freemason or contact a Freemason's Lodge
If you are interested in becoming a Freemason or would
like more details contact us by using this link:
Contact Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire
How to become a Freemason?
One of the features of Freemasonry is that no man is ever invited to
become a member.
Candidates for Freemasonry must come forward of their own freewill
and ask to join
Members are prohibited from soliciting for new members. For that
reason, it is sometimes difficult for a person to discover how to
approach the fraternity for membership.
It is easy however to find out. Just contact a Freemason and ask him
about Freemasonry.
You probably already know men who are Freemasons. Ask them to assist
Freemasonry offers the chance to be with and socialise with men
who have the same values and ideals.
Freemasonry is always ready to welcome good men into the
Most lodges have their meetings posted in the local paper. Write to
the secretary stating that you are interested in becoming a
Another way is to just search for websites and send an email to a
lodge. Someone will contact you and arrange a meeting to discuss
things with you.
All that said, the best way is to ask someone you know personally
who is a Freemason. Ask around, bring up the topic for discussion,
hopefully one of your friends will know someone who is a Freemason
and introduce you.
If however you are unable to contact someone who is a Freemason,
that does not preclude you. In these circumstances please contact
Provincial Grand Secretary
will be able to discuss alternatives and put you in touch with your
local Lodge.
You must be male.
You must be at least 21 years of age unless you are the son of a
Freemason then you can be admitted a member in Scotland at the age
of 18 years.
You must be of sound character and judgment.
You must believe in a Supreme Being. This does not necessarily mean
the Christian God, people from all religions are welcome, and you
will at no time be asked to do, say, or partake in anything that in
anyway goes against your faith.
If you are still interested in becoming a Freemason or would
like more details contact us by using this link:
Contact Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire
who will be able to discuss alternatives and put you in touch
with your local Lodge.


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