Waving Saltire Square and Compasses

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire

Square and Compasses Waving Saltire

2024 PGL Fishing

On Saturday 1st June 2024, which was a dry, sunny and warm day, 31 anglers attended this year’s Provincial Grand Lodge fishing competition for the first time at Linlithgow Loch.

When all the boats returned, after a successful days fishing, the Provincial Grand Master Brother Gordon Sewell thanked all those who attended and hoped they enjoyed their day. He then proceeded to present the prizes. Due to the sunny conditions, not many fish were returned for weighing, only twelve with a total weight of 34.38lbs.

The winning team were Rab Paton and Jim Jarvie from Lodge Carron No 139 with 9.98lbs.

The heaviest fish was caught by Alex Campbell from Lodge Clackmannan No 1303 with 3.88lbs.

Following the prize giving the Provincial Master drew the raffle with the help of his mobile phone.

It was decided that all monies collected this year would go to Strathcarron Hospice and that Lodge Carron, being the winners, would decide the charity for next year to allow this to be appended to the sponsor sheet.

At the conclusion of the event all those who provided raffle prizes, Tom and his assistant from the fishery for allowing us to use their facilities and Billy Reid for arranging the event were thanked.

It was agreed, by a unanimous decision, that next year’s competition will again be at Linlithgow Loch on 7th June2025. This has been confirmed with the fishery. 

PGL Fishing 

PGL Fishing


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