50 Years a Member of 16
Several Brethren of Lodge St John Falkirk No 16, including the
Right Worshipful Master Bro Ronald Forsyth paid a visit to Bro George
Paterson a Master Mason of the Lodge to present him with his 50 year Diploma.
Unfortunately George is going through a bout of poor
health and is currently in Forth Valley Royal Hospital at Larbert and is unable
to attend the Lodge. Hence the visit to the hospital.
The Brethren were accompanied on this occasion by Worshipful Provincial
Grand Master Depute Bro Gordon Sewell.
Bro George with Bro Ronald Forsyth RWM of Lodge St John Falkirk No 16,
and the WPGM Depute
Bro Gordon Sewell.
Members of Lodge St John
Falkirk No 16, Bro Allan Leishman PM, Bro Robert Stewart PM,
Bro George Paterson MM, Brother Sinclair Campbell PM, Brother RWM. |