Waving Saltire Square and Compasses

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire

Square and Compasses Waving Saltire

Denny Masons Honoured

Two members of Lodge St Andrew (Denny and Loanhead) No 176 have received Jubilee and Diamond Diplomas from the Grand Lodge of Scotland in recognition of their long service.   

Bro James Dunlop and Bro Charles Kirkwood were presented respectively with 50 year and 60 year certificates by RWM Archie Y Mackay at the Regular Meeting on 8th February.

Bro James was initiated on 16th February 1967, passed on 2nd March, raised on 18th March and advanced on 27th April. He was proposed by Past Provincial Grand Master Bro John Sneddon, who was IPM at the time, and seconded by Andrew Cruikshank. Bro Dunlop was 30 when he joined and Bro Mackay left his Brethren to do the maths! He was pleased that Bro Dunlop had bounced back following a wee health scare last year and able to enjoy holidays again with his wife have fun with his grandchildren.

Bro Charles Gillespie Kirkwood was 22 years old when he applied to join the Lodge, proposed by Bro J Greenoak and seconded by the then WSW Bro John Envy. He was initiated on 13th February 1958, passed on 27th February, raised on 13th March and advanced as a Mark Master on 30th October. Back then he lived in Bainsford and returned and still lives there after work took him to Dumfries and Galloway.

 RWM Mackay congratulated the two members with 110 years of masonry between them and, accompanied by the RWPGM Bro Alistair T Marshall came to the level to present the framed certificates.

 RWPGM Bro Alistair T Marshall is pictured with Bro Charles Kirkwood, Bro James Dunlop and the RWM of Lodge St Andrew (Denny & Loanhead) No 176 Br. Archie Y Mackay after they were presented with Diamond and Jubilee Certificates respectively in recognition of their combined 110 years of membership of the Craft.

James Dunlop and Charles Kirkwood


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