The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire |
MEMBERS of Lodge St Andrew (Denny and Loanhead) No 176 have
been honoured with certificates from the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Bro. Ronnie Laing received a Diamond certificate reflecting his 60
years of membership of the Lodge and his fellow Brethren Past Master
Bro. James Reid, Bro. Tommy Faughnan, Bro. Willie Turnbull and Bro.
James Harley each received Jubilee Certificates for 50 years of
The certificates were presented by Bro. Gordon Sewell, the Provincial
Grand Master of Stirlingshire, and Bro. James L.R. Wilson, the RWM of
Lodge 176.
A 60-year jewel was presented to Bro. Eric Burke and a 50-year jewel
to Bro. Ian Hastie who had previously received their certificates.
In a unique ceremony for 176, the families of all award recipients
were invited into the Lodge for the presentation ceremony.
Pic shows sixty-year Mason Ronnie Laing seated in front of a
celebration cake with left to right Brothers Hastie, Sewell, Faughnan,
Harley, Burke, Reid, Wilson and Turnbull.