Waving Saltire Square and Compasses

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire

Square and Compasses Waving Saltire

Is it a small world or just coincidence?

 (Article by Brother Thomas McDonald P.M. Lodge Abercromby No. 531)

I recently had occasion to attend a meeting of the Rosemary Lodge No. 6421 (E.C.) in Newcastle. When I entered the Lodge cloakroom I was approached by a regular visitor to the Lodge who stated that he was glad that I had paid a visit as he had in his possession something that he thought would be of interest to me.

He proceeded to produce certain artifacts from his case and said that they belonged to a Scottish freemason who had resided in Newcastle for some time. Unfortunately, the brother had passed away at the ripe old age of 96 years and his widow, whilst sorting out his personal effects, had come across certain memorabilia. I was invited to look at them and consider what might be best done with them. I was also asked to contact the deceased brother’s Mother Lodge and notify it of his passing to the Grand Lodge above.

When I had the opportunity to examine the several scrolls and items donated to me, I was immediately struck by a diploma that appeared to be printed on silk and originated from the Grand Lodge of India.( Templar masonry) and was dated 1899. There was also a cross type medallion with the Grand Lodge of India engraved upon it.

After some discussion with the donor it was agreed that I would take charge of the artefacts. I was shortly to visit Grand Lodge in Edinburgh for a regular communication. This would give me an opportunity to present the two items to Grand Lodge with a view to having them sent onward to the Grand Lodge of India.

When I attended the regular communication of Grand Lodge in Edinburgh I was astounded to discover that the Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of India was in attendance. As you can imagine, I was amazed at the ‘coincidence’ and could not wait until the Grand Lodge meeting had ended to seek an audience with the Grand Master of India. The Grand Secretary very kindly arranged for me to meet the Grand Master of India in the office of the Grand Master Mason. Both Grand Masters were taken aback and delighted with artifacts shown to them and the tale of the circumstances through which they had come into my possession.

All three of us agreed that it was a ‘small world’ and an amazing coincidence that the Grand Master of India was attending Grand Lodge at such an opportune moment. The Grand Master of India was extremely delighted to accept the artifacts and would return them to India. He presented me with his Grand Lodge of India business card and asked me to contact him to further explain how it came about that the items came in to my possession. He also sought the name and address of the deceased brother’s widow so that he might send her a letter of thanks.


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