The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire |
At the regular meeting of Lodge St John Tulliallan No 598 on Thursday 20th April 2017, the acting Right Worshipful Master Bro Malcolm Spiers Past Master, welcomed a large deputation from Lodge St John Slamannan No 484 headed by their Right Worshipful Master Bro Derek Watson into the Lodge and thanked the Brethren for accepting the invitation to carry out an exemplification of the Fellowcraft Degree.
Also on that evening Bro David Watson, Master Mason of
Lodge St John Tulliallan No 598, Past Master of Lodge St John Slamannan No 484,
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer was presented with his 50 year certificate by Bro
Malcolm Spiers Past Master along with Bro Derek Watson Right Worshipful Master
of Lodge St John Slamannan No 484 and the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand
Master Bro Alistair T Marshall.
Congratulations David.
Photo (L-R),
RWPGM Bro. Alistair T. Marshall, Bro. David Watson P.M., Bro. Malcolm Spiers P.M., Bro. Derek Watson RWM St. John Slamannan No. 484.