The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire |
Brother Colin Terris Wyse P.M. Lodge St. Servanus No. 771, Past Provincial Grand Master, was once again installed into the Chair of his Mother Lodge on Saturday 13 December 2014.
Brother Colin had celebrated his 85th birthday only the previous week.
He was first installed as Master of Lodge St. Servanus No. 771 in 1965 and occupied that Office in 1965 – 1966. It was a remarkable moment in a distinguished Masonic career that he should again occupy the Chair 49 years later.
Brother Colin will lead the Lodge when it celebrates its 125th Anniversary on 06 February 2015. The event will be marked by a rededication ceremony to be performed by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire followed by a celebratory dinner to take place at 2.00 pm on Saturday 07 February 2015.
The pictures show Brother Colin in 1965 and 2014.