The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire |
DSM at 1419
At the Regular Meeting of Lodge Buchanan Killearn No. 1419 on Thursday
21st March 2024 Brother Matt Recht was presented with a
Distinguished Service Diploma by Right Worshipful Master of Lodge
Buchanan, Brother Billy Hardie in recognition of his loyal service to
Lodge Buchanan, to Grand Lodge and to Freemasonry in general
Matt has held office for over 50 years. He took up office almost
immediately after joining the Lodge and quickly progressed until he
attained the highest rank of Master of the Lodge. After serving his term
as Immediate Past Master, Brother Recht went on to fill many other
offices during the past 50 years and is currently Depute Master.
A deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by the Substitute
Grand Master Mason Brother John McKenzie attended the meeting along with
a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire headed by
Depute Provincial Grand Master Brother Stuart Stirling. A large number
of other distinguished Brethren from Stirlingshire lodges and also other
Provinces were present to see Brother Recht receive his award. He is
only the second member of Buchanan Killearn No. 1419 to receive such an
The presentation came at the end of a meeting that saw a visiting lodge,
Lodge Anama No. 1223 from Glasgow work a Master Mason Degree.
Picture shows, left to right, Brother William Mathers, RWM of Lodge Anama
No. 1223, Brother Billy Hardie, RWM of Lodge Buchanan Killearn No. 1419,
Brother Recht, Substitute Grand Master Mason Brother John McKenzie and
Depute Provincial Grand Master Brother Stuart Stirling.