The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire |
Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire was represented at The Wreath Laying and Remembrance Service at The Grand Lodge of Scotland on Sunday 4th November 2018 which was organised and run by the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother
Alistair T. Marshall along with senior Provincial Office-bearers and
members of the Daughter Lodges attending a Parade and Service of
Remembrance in Edinburgh and within Grand Lodge to honour the Fallen of
the Great War.
There was a large turnout of Brethren for all over Scotland and beyond including many distinguished dignitaries, a fitting occasion and salute to the Heroes of this terrible conflict.
A special word of thanks is due to all involved,
the organisers and participants.
Pictured below are some of the Brethren form PGL of Stirlingshire.