Waving Saltire Square and Compasses

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire

Square and Compasses Waving Saltire

PGL Crest On The Level PGL Crest

Issue No. 4 

Alistair T Marshall RWPGM

October 2019

Fraternal Greetings to all Brethren of the Province

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Brethren, as I now enter my last season as Provincial Grand Master I am looking forward to all that lies ahead between now and June next year. In particular the 275th Celebrations.

During the summer months there have been several charity events which have taken place and appear to have been well supported by the Lodges and the Brethren. A number of Lodges have continued to work degrees during the summer months and these have proved popular.

 The three previous issues of my newsletter have been received well and I continue to get favourable reports on them and again I would thank all who have commented. Any further comments or suggestions can be made through Brother Nicol Scobbie Provincial Grand Secretary (PGS) at n.scobbie@btinternet.com.

 I would also ask all to consider what they would like to see in the Province to either get in touch with myself or Provincial Grand Secretary and we can discuss. It is your Province Brethren.

Recruitment – Retention – Education – Open Days

This is ongoing and I understand that a number of Lodges are showing an interest in holding Open Days. There is also still potential for further walk through Degrees to be held. For further information on either please contact Brother Sandy Thomson SPGM at sandy.thomson@blueyonder.co.uk.

Young Members Group

The last social evening held was successful and well attended and there are plans to hold further such events this season. For further information please contact Brother Brian Wright SPGM at brian.wright93@yahoo.co.uk.

EVENTS - Charity

There is obviously a great deal of effort that goes into organising the fund raising events within the Province, from the Divine Service to the Bowling, Fishing and Golf, etc., and this seasons events have been no different.

Reigning Masters Degree

The Reigning Masters Degree took place at the end of last season and during the closed season I had the privilege of presenting £450:00 to Kincardine Children's Gala and 1st Battalion Boys Brigade.

The Golf section held its event on the Sunday 12th May where 51 golfers from 15 Lodges, including two interlopers from St John, Auchterarder, and Provincial Grand Lodge took part and I had the pleasure of handing over to Strathcarron Hospice the sum of £3500 raised from the day.


The Anglers in the Province held their event on Saturday 1st June and raised in excess of £1200. A recipient Charity will be discussed at the next Regular Communication.

The Bowlers in the Province held their event on Sunday 4th August where 44 bowlers from 20 Lodges took part and raised the sum of £2400 which has been donated to two local charities, Killearn Guides, Brownies and Rainbows & Killearn Golden Age Group, Both of these organisations were present on the day and gave a talk on their respective charities.

Special Degrees

Several Lodges in the Province have, instead of working a degree or mock degree themselves, had a special working by Wardens, Bus Workers, Hiram’s Wheels, Lodge Kajaki and have been successful in attracting a greater attendance and interest and I would encourage other Lodges to consider such events.

The Widows Sons would be prepared to support any Lodge with poor attendance to give a talk on Widows Sons formation and history and their intentions for the future or would work a degree dependant on availability. They have recently attended at Alva Duck Race and Bridge of Allan Highland Games.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Provincial Grand Secretary has donated several bottles of Provincial Grand Lodges Luxury Blended Scotch 275th Whisky to aid the Restoration Fund for Notre Dame Cathedral.

One has been raffled in Tilbury Lodge No. 2006 in Essex and has raised EURO 750.00 with the remainder being raffled in France.

Also a bottle of Grand Masters Choice, signed by the Grand Master Mason of Scotland and the Grand Master of France was donated by Grand Lodge has just been delivered to France to aid the cause.

The proceeds of all will be donated to the Restoration Fund for Notre Dame Cathedral, in Paris which was severely damaged by fire. Apart from being a world class, ionic building is a really good cause. It also demonstrates the willingness and desire of Scottish, English and French Freemasons to work together on this initiative.

Provincial Web Site

Brother Graeme Russell is always looking for articles for the PGL web site and FB group to keep it interesting and fresh not only for you Brethren, but also for those of the general public who may come across the work we do. Anything therefore of interest should be sent to Bro Graeme and PGS for possible inclusion. stirlingshireweb@blueyonder.co.uk.

Travelling Gavel

The Travelling Gavel is still being pursued and since the beginning of the season it has been to Lodges 793, 588 and is now back with 1456. Unfortunately the next meeting of 1456 is their Installation so the Gavel cannot be claimed at this meeting but I am informed that the RWM Elect invites all Lodges in the Province to go and collect it at his first meeting on the 24th October which will be a 3rd Degree.

 I am pleased to see that the Lodges in the Province are still participating. The current location of the gavel can always be found on the Provincial Grand Lodge website www.pgls.co.uk.


Installation season is now upon us and I, my commissioned office bearers and the office bearers of Provincial Grand Lodge will be attending as many as possible. There are days when there are more than one Installation on and therefore Provincial Grand Lodge resources will be split. I would like to take this opportunity to thank in, advance, all my Provincial colleagues for their support.

Details of 2019/2020 Installation dates and also details of Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Visitations and Communications dates are posted on the web site www.pgls.co.uk .

Strathcarron Hospice Challenge

Brother Lenny McComb, Past Master of Lodge Slamannan No 484, PG Junior Chaplain, has started an initiative to raise funds for Strathcarron Hospice.  He has asked all 23 Lodges within the Province to run an event of their choice and add it to special fund which will accumulate all the monies. The total amount will then be donated as a lump sum to Strathcarron at a date yet to be set.

The fund currently stands at £8183.

Grand Lodge round–up

Constitution and Laws

A review of the Constitution and Laws is presently being undertaken and will be issued in hard and electronic format by Grand Lodge when approved.

Working Party on Masonic Education

The Best Practice Guide (incorporating the Etiquette and Web Site guidelines) has now been issued by Grand Lodge and has been sent to every Lodge via the Lodge Secretary and I would again encourage every Brother to obtain a copy, I suggest through the Lodge Secretary, or from Grand Lodge direct, priced £3.00 with £1.00 going to Grand Lodge Benevolence. Consideration should also to be given to present a copy to each candidate after his initiation.

Grand Lodge Office Bearers

As some of you will be aware Brother Thomas C. Smith has retired as Grand Almoner. He is to be replaced by Brother Tom Davidson PPGM Lanarkshire Middle Ward and we wish Brother Smith a well-deserved retirement and Brother Davidson well in his new office.

Grand Lodge will announce the new Depute Grand Master in the near future

Brother Nicol Scobbie, Provincial Grand Secretary, has been seconded to the Audible History Project which Grand Lodge are running and I wish him well in that venture.

I have had the honour of being asked to represent the Grand Lodge of Indiana at Grand Lodge and look forward to representing their interests. This is still to be confirmed but I am forever hopeful.

Bahamas Disaster Fund

Grand Lodge have donated £10000 to this fund to aid those in need.

Prostate Cancer Appeal

The Grand Lodge Appeal in aid of Prostate Cancer has reached a total of £460,000, and it is hoped by Grand Lodge that the total will reach £500,000 before the end of 2020. 

Grand Lodge Events

There are two events up and coming in Grand lodge. On Friday 18th October the Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland in conjunction with Grand Lodge and Poppy Scotland will give a concert in aid of Poppy Scotland and on Saturday 23rd November Moises I Gomez will give a lecture on his “Remembrance of 9/11”, proceeds going to Prostate Cancer. I understand tickets are still available for both and would encourage your attendance.

There is a Special Degree being held in Perth on the 20th March next year, which will be conferred by Grand Lodge with the Grand Master Mason in the chair and the other offices filled by Provincial Grand Masters. I on this occasion will conferring the Obligation. I would appreciate as much support as possible. 

Articles and Social Events

It is still my intention to publish suitable articles and advertise social events from Lodges and Members in my Newsletter and also on the web site and I hope that you will enter into the spirit by responding directly to me. 

I would also be grateful if those who are holding fund raising events would advise PGS in order that he can include those events in his regular events diary. This hopefully will generate additional support from PGL and the Sister Lodges and possibly avoid clashes. 

Up-Coming events

Events will be advertised as much as possible on Provincial Grand Secretaries diary of events, on the website and via social media. 

275th Anniversary of Provincial Grand Lodge

The 275th Anniversary of Provincial Grand Lodge takes place in 2020. The ceremony will take place in Lodge Zetland and will be conducted by Grand Lodge, followed by a Celebration Dinner in Grangemouth Town Hall. It will be a day of great celebration and all qualified Brethren are invited to attend. There will also be a 275th Divine Service which will be conducted by Past Grand Master Brother Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon. I will ensure that further information is provided via the usual channels and in my next newsletter.

New Provincial Grand Master

As I said earlier I am now coming to the end of my term as Provincial Grand Master and my successor will be formally announced at the October Meeting of Grand Lodge. 


I was disappointed that I had to cancel our involvement at the Stirling University 10k. We have on occasions been asked to provide stewarding for these events but on this occasion there was not sufficient interest from the Province.


In conclusion Brethren, as I wind down before next June, I would again take this opportunity to thank all of the Lodges for their support and friendship.

My thanks also must go to those who have assisted in the preparation and distribution of this newsletter.

Fraternal Regards.

Brother Alistair T. Marshall PGM


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