The Provincial Grand Lodge of Stirlingshire |
The fifteenth Annual Provincial Grand Lodge Reigning Masters’ Degree was held in Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No 76 on Friday 24th April 2015 when the RWM Bro Colin Arthur presided.
The Province was honoured by the presence of Bro Ramsay McGhee, Depute Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Brother David Begg Grand Secretary.
A fine Entered Apprentice Degree was carried out by the Masters of the Lodges in the Province on one candidate.
The resultant collection taken, augmented by a donation from the host Lodge and the post ceremonial raffle realised the significant sum of £910.00. The proceeds will be donated to Rett UK once ratified by Provincial Grand Lodge.
Rett UK is a registered Charity that supports families and children with Rett Syndrome.
Thanks to Brother James Fisher PM for providing a lovely purvey and the host Lodge members for their hospitality.